需要搭车回家过节? St. 博纳旺蒂尔 has partnered with Coach USA 和 Mega Bus to provide a convenient way for students who live in the New York City area to get to 和 从 campus for our various breaks.
- Robinson/Falconio大厅圈
- 弗朗西斯·霍尔
公车的费用是85美元.单程00美元. 门票可以在网上购买. 点击 the link below to purchase tickets on the MegaBus website. Students will receive an email with information notifying them when the ticket sales for each trip begin.
门票销售的链接可以在我的.在布.edu (Student Life/Bona Bus/Bus Trips), the Bonnies Connect App, 和 St. 博纳旺蒂尔的网站.
If you are the first person to purchase a one-way bus ticket through the MegaBus website, 这次旅行的费用只有1美元. This promotion is available for every one-way bus trip.
- 点击 on the link below next to the break you are purchasing tickets for.
- Indicate if you are purchasing a one-way round-trip ticket (directions below are for those who have chosen round-trip transportation).
- 下 从 输入“全球网赌十大网站.”
- 下 To 输入“纽约,纽约”.”
- 下 离开 和 返回, pick the dates listed under the schedule below
- 单击下面的+或-按钮 有多少旅客?? 调整您购买的票的数量.
- Please indicate any special needs for the bus trip using the button listed.
- 点击 找到票.
- You will be taken to screen to select your departure 从 campus tickets. 点击 加入篮子 for where on campus you will be getting on the bus (Francis or Rob/Fal Circle).
- You will then be taken to another screen to select your departure 从 NYC tickets. 单击“添加到篮子” for where on campus you will be getting off the bus (Francis or Rob/Fal Circle).
- Look over your travel information to make sure it is correct, scroll to the bottom of the 页面 和 read over the terms 和 conditions 和 privacy policy.
- Once you have read over those forms, check the box to acknowledge you have read them 和 then click 支付.
- You can either log in (if you already have an account) or purchase them as a guest by typing in your email address.
- 填写所需信息,然后单击 刷卡支付.
- 填写所需卡片信息,点击 付款.
One piece of luggage (up to 50 lbs 和 no larger than a st和ard “large” suitcase) 和 one small piece of h和 luggage can be brought on the bus. Megabus does not check luggage or provide receipts for luggage transported on the bus by the
乘客. Customers may not transport in their baggage or otherwise any items that are inherently dangerous, including any hazardous materials as that term is defined by the U.S. Department of 运输, or weapons of any kind. Megabus运营商
reserve the right to place further restrictions on items transported for the safety of its 乘客s, 操作员和汽车教练.
Bus Schedule: (departure times updated as tickets are released)
秋天休会公共汽车下午2点离开校园.m. 2024年10月11日,星期五
Buses Return to Campus on Tuesday, October 15, 2024
感恩节休息巴士早上8点离开校园.m. 2024年11月27日星期三
Buses Return to Campus on Sunday, December 1, 2024
冬季休会公共汽车下午2点离开校园.m. 2024年12月13日星期五
Buses Return to Campus on Sunday, January 19, 2025
中期休息公共汽车下午2点离开校园.m. 2025年2月28日,星期五
复活节/春假公共汽车下午2点离开校园.m. 2025年4月16日,星期三
Buses return to campus on Monday, April 21, 2025
请联系Jenna Keppel, 学生活动助理主任, 编程, 和参与. 电子邮件詹娜 or call her at (716) 375-2294 if you have any questions or problems purchasing tickets.