Students pause for a photo while volunteering at the Warming House.

St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


大学的部门 welcomes students of all religious affiliations to participate in a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth, 服务学习, 社会行动和社区建设.

图片来源:McGinley-Carney中心作为美国第一所方济各会大学,全球网赌十大网站 affirms the unique dignity of every person 和 invites everyone into a community of  acceptance 和 underst和ing. 欢迎大家来这里.

大学的部门 is the focal point for forging these loving bonds of belonging, 和 for extending this sense of community beyond our campus borders. 我们努力分享上帝无条件的爱, particularly with marginalized populations — the needy, 被忽视和排除.

We're located in the McGinley-Carney Center for Franciscan 部 (pictured), 位于校园中心. 2017年开业, 该中心设有办公室, 一个跨教派的祈祷塔, 学生聚会的好地方, 厨房设备.

We are committed to transforming the lives of our students inside 和 outside of the classroom, inspiring in them a lifelong commitment to service 和 citizenship.

我们的礼仪生活, 以星期日圣餐为中心, invites all members of the 博纳旺蒂尔 community to join in various liturgical ministries 和 many prayer opportunities.


你的服务学习中心, 无论是喂饱饥饿的人, 和孩子交朋友, 或者探望一位老人. 成为为他人服务的领导者.


Mt. 依勒内

The resident friars of this Franciscan community near campus welcome all to relax, 徒步旅行, 花园, 坐下来谈谈, 或者分享一顿家常菜. 一个特殊的部门,一个特殊的地方.

Mt. 依勒内

信仰形成,敬拜 & 部

我们邀请所有人参与天主教会的生活, 有礼仪节目, 圣礼, worship experiences 和 opportunities for spiritual growth.

信仰,崇拜 & 部


Mass intentions to honor the living 和 remember the deceased may be ordered online.

A donation to the Franciscan Friars of $15 is suggested for each Mass intention requested. 每次弥撒我们最多可以接受两种意向.

We are accepting Mass intentions for the fall 2024 semester, when Masses resume.

During the academic year, the Franciscan friars offer daily Mass at 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday in the Great Room of the McGinley-Carney Center for Franciscan Ministries. Sunday Masses are offered in the University Chapel at 11 a.m. 7分.m.

You may choose from a selection of cards 和 make your donation online. (Card #1 is the Mass card for deceased; Cards # 2 和 3 are Mass cards for the living). We will send you a confirmation with the date that the Mass will be offered, 和, 如果你愿意, 我们会通知大学里的人.


如有问题或更多信息,请全球网赌十大网站 给伊冯·皮斯发邮件 或者拨打(716)375-2662.



图1 .圣. 亚西西的弗朗西斯每年12月份, students may participate in a 方济各会领袖朝圣 to Rome 和 Assisi through the 方济各会朝圣计划. Participation is open to students of all faith traditions.

The pilgrimage brings together leaders of various faith traditions form Franciscan colleges 和 universities across the U.S. to reflect on 和 learn form the vision 和 values of saints Francis 和 Clare of Assisi. 它包括反思的时间, 研究, 谈话, 休闲, relaxation 和 visits to sacred Franciscan locations  in Assisi 和 Rome.
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